Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A long journey home

Well, we made it back from West Virginia, and what a trip it was. We got to see Dave's family, and everyone got something fun for Dave's birthday.

Our drinks on Dave's birthday - yikes, a gallon of daiquiri!

Dave's parents signed a contract to purchase a new house; Dave's parents gave him their Subaru WRX car; and I got all my grades back! I must say, I don't know who is most pleased, but I've got to be near the top of the list.

OK, maybe not - Dave reeeeally likes his WRX.

On the way home, we had an interesting time. We drove through our old route, which we used to take when we'd visit each other.

I've got to tell you, I'm not a fan of driving through Indiana. They seem a little too interested in everyone's reproduction. "Abortion stops a beating heart!" "Choose LIFE!" "ABSTAIN FROM THE DEVIL'S INTERCOURSE!!!!"

Then, we got up into the suburbs, and I've got to say, I'm proud of my increasing knowledge of Chicago's intertwined interstate system. We had to get around the mess on I-80, but somehow reach our bunny-sitter's house off of the northern tip of 355. So we took 74 to 57 to 80 to 294 to 290 to 355. (Got all that?)

The bunnies are both doing fine, although I'm afraid we can't say the same for our bunny sitter. When we arrived, she was losing one of her own rabbits, which was sad for us to hear. We know what it's like, as we lost Finn around two years ago, and it's still painful to think about.

All in all, it was a good trip! We made it back from WV in a turbo roadster without any tickets, so that alone was a miracle.

Oh, and I came back to our apartment to find a box of law books sitting outside the door.

Val: "What the hell! This is $300 worth of books, someone could have taken it!"
Dave: "Come on, who else wants those?"

Sigh, good point. No one else wants my 15-lb. property and criminal law casebooks. (Not even me.)

And now for a bit of fun:


Julie said...

Lol, Val, how many of those margaritas did you have??? Nice picture. Congrats on the new car, and getting good grades!

Sara Sherman said...

Boy, you know Valerie is busy when she doesn't blog for 5 whole days! I agree with Julie, looks like you already had a few and don't need the one you're about to drink. Dave, take it easy in the new car. Love the bunny chasing the snake up the tree. I didn't know Dave's parents news about the house, new did you say?