Sunday, February 16, 2020

Food & flowers yarn bombs

I've been busy around town again!

First off was a double-bomb in one night, first this pole near the Library / Van Buren L stop:

Sleeve with section from Sophie's Universe afghan

Seriously, I did this at like 7 p.m. and no one said boo. The pattern is based on a section of the famed Sophie's Universe mandala afghan.

Sleeve located at Van Buren & State
Later I came back to check on it and it had slid down quite a bit, so I fixed it. It looked like someone tried to rip it off by hand, but my stitches held!

Next up that night was to sew up some pizzas down State Street next to two pizza joints at the corner of Harrison & State.

The pizzas are from Tasty Crochet by Rose Langlitz. I made one with pepperoni and black olive, then another with black olive and green pepper (always my favorite pizza to make when I was slinging pies at The Hut).

Someone came by and complimented me on my work while I was installing it, so he took this nice picture. It's a black sleeve sewed onto these fence posts, then the pizzas were sewn on.

Pizzas (formerly) at State & Harrison
Unfortunately, this is the first yarn bomb to be taken down - it was gone within 48 hours! I don't know if private parties took it down or what, but the cops don't care about yarn bombing, so I think it was either the owner of the parking lot, the owner of the pizza joint, or high pizza people. 

Oh well, I approach these from a Buddhist, "everything is temporary" point of view, so it's fine.

I had a tiny little sleeve and wanted to put something on it, so I whipped up a donut and decided it had to be on a bike rack near Stan's in the south loop, the one near the Roosevelt L stop.

Donut near Roosevent Red / Green line stop, by Stan's
He was kind of fun, and Stan's even responded to me on Instagram!

I had a fun sleeve with stripes of Scheepjes scraps and a bit of Noro, so I made flowers with the extra Scheepjes red cotton and installed on a bike rack in the loop.

Flower bike rack cozy on Wells north of Monroe
That one was bright & fun and is getting me in the mood for spring!

I had a teeny tiny test sample, too, that I installed on a tree in my neighborhood; I'm planning on a more elaborate sleeve for a nearby pole with the same yarn.

Tree installation on Plymouth south of Harrison
Oh, and I'm still making non-yarn bomb things. I finished (and FINALLY blocked) a cute kerchief with a gradient kit I bought at Yarn Con 2019 from Fiberstory. 

Kerchief in Fiberstory gradient kit
Finally, in the truly bizarre, I installed a sleeve with a slug on it in my neighborhood. 

Slug sleeve on Federal north of Polk
I have been wanting to make that slug ever since I saw him in 75 Birds, Butterflies, and Little Beasts to Knit & Crochet, but I just didn't know what to do with him. Perfect to randomly yarn bomb a bike rack with scrap yarn!

Still working on a sparkly shawl from Stitches Midwest 2019, as well as some fun leggings to use up these twin gradient balls that I've been holding onto for years. I've got a trip coming up, so I'll bring on or the other to work on!

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