Sunday, November 21, 2021

Goomba Shoe Trivet

I've had this chart laying around for a long time, and I finally made a trivet with it - meet the Goomba Shoe!

Goomba Shoe Trivet

Many NES-having, Super Mario 3-loving fans will recognize this little dude from the game; you could bop the Goomba and take the shoe to jump around on spikes.

This panel is the perfect size for a little trivet or hot pad, or you could make it out of cotton yarn and make a dish cloth!

The pattern is 29 pixels / stitches wide, so if you are knitting, knit 29, or if you are crocheting, chain 30. Make the pattern as follows, with each pixel representing a stitch (knit stitch in stockinette for knitting, single chain for crochet):

Chart pattern for Goomba Shoe

I'm thinking now that he would even make a cute blanket if you made a bunch of them with different colored shoes and borders and sewed them together!

Enjoy and continue quarancrafting!

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