Saturday, May 26, 2018

Spring update

It's spring in Chicagoland, which means lots of purple blooming on Evanston's campus. It's nice to walk around and see this.

I'm working on some yarn projects that are taking forever to make, so unfortunately I don't have crochet / knitting updates. I did, however, do a bunch of fun stuff in May! 

The bunnies are continuing in their love-hate relationship. They love each other in strange territory, but she hates him in "her" area, namely the whole basement. But he pretty much loves her all the time.

I volunteered at the WrightPlus house walk in Oak Park, although I didn't get a spot on the Unity Temple volunteer group. I did stop by to see my volunteer buddies and to snap a shot of the newly renovated interior:

It's the first time the temple has been on the house walk in a few years; it missed 2016 and 2017 for the renovation.

Another fun thing I've been trying to do this year is go on more dates with Dave. I think it has been successful, and we've been able to visit some tasty restaurants and do some fun things - mini golfing, bowling, hiking, etc. Here's us at Duck Duck Goat in Chicago!

Next month will also include two trips (Montreal and Austin), and then in July we're going to Hamilton again. So it's a busy summer. I've already scoped out some yarn stores to visit in Montreal, so watch my Instagram for that. (And I'll be able to bring knitting to Montreal and Austin, unlike Cuba, which was spotty in allowing knitting needles at airports.)

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