Sunday, September 20, 2009

The good news and the bad news

After two weeks of Euro-travel, Dave and I have returned from Europe. (I'll be posting photos and stories soon). It was a really fun trip, and I am excited to start photo books and a scrapbook of our journey. The trip went off without a hitch, and we were lucky in so many ways.

However, when I got back, I learned some bad news. Zelda, our beloved bunny, died while we were away.

My last picture of Zelda - snuggling with Little Man in the car

It's not entirely unexpected, given that she is over 10 years old and has been sick for years. I had also noticed that she's been having even more trouble getting around lately.

Nonetheless, she had been our bunny since August 2004, when Dave moved to Illinois. She was also the sweetest, spunkiest bunny I've ever known, and I miss her so much already. I don't think it's sunk in yet that I'll never get to ruffle her soft fur again.

We've received a lot of really nice messages from people, which is really sweet. I miss my little bunny.

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