Oh happy day - I got to vote! I don't know why, but I really like participating in the democratic process. I guess part of it is that you don't really get to complain about your government if you don't actively try to improve it.
As it stands, we've got a conservative president, senate, house, and court. I hope the Democrats manage to take back at least one of those today.
Dave and I voted before school today, to make sure we beat the lines and got it out of the way today. Now we just wait, I guess.
I have both enjoyed and dreaded this election.
On one hand, I got to meet several candidates, including Dan Seals (hopefully my new Congressional representative), Mark Kirk (my current Republican representative), Alexi Giannoulias (the Democrat hopeful for state treasurer), and some other state representatives. If only they were this interested in talking with their constituents on a regular basis. I even got to talk about Andy with Dan Seals - it was a good time.
On the other hand, the negative campaign commercials make me sick, and, to my astonishment, meeting all the candidates has brought a personal level to the campaign that I've never experienced before.
I'll use the example of my own district's Congressional representatives - Mark Kirk (R) and Dan Seals (D). Kirk has served as a representative for 6 years, and many of his policies are pleasantly moderate. I felt kind of bad voting against him - I wish he could replace some of the more extreme candidates in the nether-regions of Illinois. But alas, Seals got my vote.
So we relaxed last night, and talked a little bit about the election, but more than anything, I'm excited to see what goes down tonight. Oh, and I got some cute photos of the bunny last night - sometimes she stretches out on the floor like this, and it's just too cute to stand.
Wow, you must carry your camera everywhere! That's smart--I always get stuck wishing I had my camera.
Speaking of creepy campaign commercials, I'm adding the craziest one I've ever seen to my Myspace page. It's nuts.
I try to remember the camera when I can, but today I definitely brought it on purpose for this occasion.
I hate to say it, but I'm not voting today. I figure my time is better spent with Dad, I know, it doesn't take that long.
Dad can't wait for the elections to be over, he's been watching too much TV in the hospital, and like you say, too many negative ads.
What is it a rule, 1 bunny picture per daily blog entry?
I have to post the cute bunny photos when I have them! I have been pretty bunny-happy lately.
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