Girl: "Wow, that book's as big as Harry Potter!"
Me: "Yeah, I wish I was reading Harry right now."
Of course, as you can see in this picture, my casebook could practically eat Harry Potter. The little girl asked me what my book was about, and I told her it's about the law, because I want to be a lawyer someday.
Her face lit up as she told me her aunt is a lawyer, so I told her I was sure her aunt read many books like these.
Sometimes little kids can be pretty cute. And, I do wish I was reading Harry, but torts is always fun, too. Harry certainly never electrocuted himself while swinging an 8-foot wire near a trolley line. (Sorry, that was Adams v. Bullock.)
Speaking of "wrongs," I have two stories from class today that deserve the title Doofus of the Day Award:
1) Professor calls on a student, leading to the following exchange:
Student: "Oh, I can't really answer, I've been absent.
Professor: "Uhh...well, have you done the reading?"
Student: "No, because I don't know where we are in class."
ARGH! All the homework assignments were laid out in the syllabus, which we received before we even arrived at school.
2) After previous doofus cannot answer question, professor moves onto another doofus, who says, "Uhh...can you repeat the question? You said it kind of wordy."
...WORDY?! A lawyer - let alone a law professor - WORDY?! I couldn't imagine!! Poor Prof. Franklin.
I don't understand why some people even bother. How do they actually think they're going to get through law school without doing the readings?
The idiots in my project management class are like that too, but that's only because the classes are a joke. One guy actually had the nerve to tell our professor that he shouldn't have to do any work because he's PMP certified, has been a project manager for 10 years, and is only there to get his graduate degree so he can go back to India. I'm serious; he said those exact words.
It's like everyone thinks they're just entitled to whatever they want.
yeah those kids are pretty much dead in the water. They already have code names, too - Train Wreck and Zoolander.
oh man, im so glad im at isu now and not law school. yes, i get a lot of homework, but the classes are so much easier than the classes at bradley (math-wise anyway). The other day in calculus 2 i got 11/10 on a quiz, and there wasnt even an extra credit question- he just liked my notation haha
I have a doofus remark, but it was from my communications teacher. She was talking about diversity, and she started talking about "blacks". She said all of us are here because of our ancestors, but the blacks are here because their ancestors were stolen and sold by their neighbors. She said the blacks in our class are here because their ancestors didn't run very fast!
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