One of our authors, Erwin Chemerinsky, came to speak on public interest law, so those interested students got a free trip up the Sears Tower, and a beautiful view, in addition to some thought-provoking comments about lawyers' duty to help the underprivileged.
I wish I'd had my camera - what a view it was, from the 78th floor. I forgot how amazing Chicago is at night.

As I said, I didn't have my camera - this picture is one my friend Michael took last year at his friend's downtown apartment, but the lights and general feeling were the same tonight.
Before and during the event, I got to hang out with some members of my study group, and other students from my section. I said it before and I'll say it again, but it's been really nice getting to know everyone.
Great picture. They actually had a blurb the other night on the news, (I think it was channel 9, they are always promoting Chicago). They were saying you can canoe or kayak up the river and look at Chicago lit up at night from a different prospective. They said just be careful that while looking up, you don't tip your canoe!
I just wanted to say, you're going to do great as a lawyer. You're so passionate about your classes and you're taking advantage of every opportunity DePaul is offering. This really seems like a perfect fit for you.
Aww, thanks Jules! It means a lot that everyone is cheering me on.
Now what I need this weekend is a lot of sleep...
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