Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My first entrelac project

I requested the book Entrelac: The Essential Guide to Interlace Knitting for Christmas.  Because I am just that kind of person.  My mom obliged, and I finally did a practice swatch of entrelac last week.  It went pretty well - I even did a little backwards knitting for some of the base triangles, which is definitely mind-bending.

There are two or three projects I really super want to make out of the book, so I decided to start with the smallest (even though it is probably the bigger pain in the ass of the projects I want to do).  Pumpkin baby hat!

Some of my favorite college friends are having their first child this October, and they specifically requested a hat that looks like a pumpkin.  This one might be a little big for a newborn, so I might make a secondary really small one, and she can wear this one next year when her head grows into it.

The entrelac knitting in the round was complicated, but I figured it out.  I thought the color changing would be a pain, but with how they ask you to change from row to row, you pretty much have to cut the yarn anyway, so I figured it was no great complication.

The next one I want to do is the poncho, which looks warm and beautiful for fall days.  So excited I can finally do entrelac!

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