It was a fun game, and as I've never played 16-inch softball before, I don't think I did too poorly. In my first at-bat, I got to first base and all the way around to third before the last out of the inning. In my second, I was out at first, but I batted in a run, so that was something.
I was placed at center field, and I was really hoping the ball would never come to me. It only got near me once, and I pretty much flubbed it. I was afraid to catch it sans mitt.

In the end, the game was closer than it's been in years, but the Law Division still whooped us as usual.
The food at Judge Maddux's home afterward was delicious, and his home was truly beautiful and amazing. It felt like we were in a magazine. Dave took some ribbing about how I was out in the field and he wasn't, and apparently (based on the general comments), I did better than people expect a girl to do. I guess that's all I can hope for!
Caught a late train home and picked up some food for bunny, who was waiting not-so-impatiently. It was a good night and a lot of fun.
1 comment:
I think you're sandwich has too much cheese in it.....
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