We won the first game, against a group of hipsters that had beaten us back in the early season, so that was kind of nice that things came around full circle. It was a hard fought game, going into extra innings, but eventually we got them 17-16. I even got to score a run!
Dave even got to play, to fill in for a missing guy. I was at catcher most of the game, and Dave was in the outfield. Dave caught two fly balls, which was awesome, but I think he did some horrible things to his quadriceps by sprinting about. He's been limping around since the game, although he did get a reward: a free meal at Famous Dave's! Today is Dave Day, and by the looks of it, a lot of Daves came out for free food.
Now we're at home with the bunny, trying to relax (or recover, as the case may be) and clean up the apartment a bit. I'm going to work on a baby blanket later, as well as knit a few rows on my cardigan. Ooh, ooh, and I'm also going to make a strawberry-rhubarb crumble with organic rhubarb and strawberries. Super excited about that one. Helloooooo, summer!
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