Thursday, February 15, 2007

Identity crisis

Whenever I get an e-mail from my mom with the subject line "Dad," my heart skips a beat every time. I know that if it was really serious news, I'd get a call; however, something gets me every time just the same.

Today, I received good news! The doctors have been doing periodic tests on Dad to see whether they managed to eradicate all of his bone marrow before they gave him Uncle Ed's stem cells. They want him to be 100% Uncle Ed, with reference to DNA. The last test was 98%, which the doctors weren't happy about, because that might mean that 2% of my dad's possibly cancerous bone marrow might have lingered.

However, Mom wrote to tell me that he is now officially 100% Uncle Ed, as far as DNA goes, in his blood, bone marrow, and other related cells.

We had dinner with Andy tonight, who is visiting the Chicago area because they cancelled the session of the Illinois legislature due to the snow, and I told him about the DNA thing. Basically, we figured out that my dad can commit crimes and leave his blood all over the crime scene, and they'll think it was Uncle Ed! Bwahaha, ingenious!! (Too bad we actually like Uncle Ed...)

I think that reading all this criminal law this semester is getting me to think strangely.


Julie said...

Yay, I'm glad to hear your dad is doing well!

Sara Sherman said...

Valerie, sorry about the e-mails with Dad as the subject line, I'll try and be better in the future (altho I sent you one last night the same way). And you're right, I would call with serious info.
Dad already thought about the crime bit and leaving evidence behind of Uncle Ed. He in fact mentioned it to the Dr, and Dad got quite the look.

Valerie said...

Aww, I didn't mean that it was a bad thing to e-mail me about Dad - it's just that we all know he isn't out of the woods yet.

I do like that Dad already thought of it, though - haha.