Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Let the onslaught begin

I've decided law school is unfair. We haven't even received our grades back from last semester, and already we're ordering our books and receiving syllabi for next semester!!

Today I got the syllabus from our property professor for next semester, which prompted me to order the books for next semester. At least we have three of the same classes, so it wasn't as bad of a hit as last time.

Oh well, I've still got two weeks left, right? I've got to go shopping for groceries now, followed by a visit to the vet with the bunnies.

They've both been having a lot of sneezing problems lately, and Zelda's got something going on with her teeth. I'm pretty sure she has teeth spurs, so that means that in addition to having two pissed off rabbits on my hands, Zelda's going to be even more pissed off because they're going to shave her teeth down.

Wish me luck; I'm going to have a Monty Python-style rabbit on my hands.

1 comment:

Sara Sherman said...

Valerie (and Dave)
Hope all goes well with the bunnies. It's hard to deal with sicknesses, you just feel helpless.

At least this semester with Law School you have an idea what to expect, unlike your 1st semester. You'll sail thru, you'll be done with your 2nd semester before you know it - and will have done very well, also. Mom