And here's Dave and I looking like we could be in a Mentos commercial... No, really, it was us with our free beer at Anheuser-Busch. I got the "harvest wheat" seasonal special, or something, and Dave got some weird spice thing.
Also, I forgot to mention what Julie, Amanda, and I did yesterday: we practiced icing Twinkies with fondant, something I may be doing in some capacity for Andy's wedding! (It's up to you, Andy, but fondant is fun!)
And by the way, this is going to make me seem like a grammar Nazi, but I do have to point out that the pronunciation is FON-dant, not fon-DANT. (See Dictionary.com, or just watch the Food Network for five minutes.)
I also forgot to mention the sad news: we were unable to visit the albino squirrel colony. (It's not every day someone has sad news like that.) Someday we will certainly visit the squirrels, as I have dreamed since my days slipping in squirrel-related AP wire stories into the Vidette.
We shot off some Diet Coke and Mentos last night too! Alex and Jamie got pretty creative with it--they stuck holes in several places around the top of the bottle so it shot in all different directions. Too bad we didn't bring a camera.
Oh, and that reminds me of a debate we've had for a while--if you're talking about Mentos in the singular form, do you say "a Mento," like you would with a Skittle? or is Mentos always plural?
Thanks for posting the link to Dictionary.com, I think that was the first time I've ever tried to understand a pronunciation guide! Now that I can read it, it looks pretty helpful!
Thanks for including my picture in your blog - I feel almost famous! It's a very good picture of you holding the twinkies.
This may be one of my last anonymous comments, since I have to make my own blog for my comm. class. Mom
I'm very sad that you did not visit the albino squirrel colony. First off, why are you visiting an albino squirrel colony? I want to visit it too!
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