Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flying lightly

In Itasca State Park in Minnesota

Well, it's official - my promissory notes are sent and I am now in debt up to my arse in debt. (Actually, considering we still owe almost $100,000 on the condo, I was already up to my arse in debt before.)

I'm reading The Devil Wears Prada, which is an easy-to-read and fun book about an evil boss in the fashion magazine world. Overall I am enjoying it, although I don't really identify with the main character. One paragraph stood out to me, however, and seemed to particularly capture the last few weeks and months of school before I went to work.

"Now I had a concrete reason to leave Connecticut and move - all on my own, as a real adult would do - to Manhattan and make it my home. As I pulled into the driveway of my childhood house, sheer exhilaration took over. My cheeks looked red and windburned in the rearview mirror, and my hair was flying wildly about. There was no makeup on my face, and my jeans were dirty around the bottom from trudging through the city slush. But at that moment, I felt beautiful. Natural and cold and clean and crisp, I threw open the front door and called out for my mother. It was the last time in my life I remember feeling so light."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debt is a good thing, think of it as "stimulating the economy".